
Showing posts from November, 2020

Bowers Marsh amble November No. 2

 Bowers Marsh 2 Early  27th November we take another walk at Bowers Marsh, arriving at about 8-30 we wandered up the road from the gates toward the car park the frost was fairly hard on the verges,  hedge rows and fields. Reaching the car park area we saw birds fluttering back and forth from the  bushes to the wooden fence and ditch, we cautiously approach the fence  and waited to see if these birds reappeared. Slowly they began to come back to the reeds, hedge and ditch, mainly female Reed Buntings would come fly down from their perches on the reeds and shrubs. to feed on the grass seed heads along the ditch, we stood and watched them fly back and forth to feed for a while before moving on a bit further and managed to see Goldfinch, Robin and Chaffinch in the brambles along the pathway. We decided we walk round to Great Pond following the path beside the reed beds hoping to catch site of more birds, we did see Stonechats flitting from bush to bush ahead of us but unable to capture a g

Bowers Marsh amble November No.1

Bowers Marsh 11th November 2020 Bowers Marsh, Bowers Gifford is a RSPB nature reserve made up of dry and wet grassland, fresh and saline lagoons, intertidal habitat, salt-marsh and arable areas. With different habitats across the reserve you are likely to see or hear something of interest at any time of the year, from the many ducks and finches in winter, to singing skylarks, water voles and butterflies in summer, plus a variety of wild flowers . Our walk in the reserve Although I am writing this as being by myself I am with my partner Anne who also enjoys photography and walking and some of her photos are included. Par king the car at the side of the road as the gate to the car park are closed and locked sadly due to anti social behaviour by a few who do not respect our nature reserves. Gathering our camera's,  Lumix FZ2000, binoculars and bag we head off toward the side gate and footpath to the reserve. I catch sight of a flock of goldfinches feeding on the roadside verge also a