
Showing posts from January, 2021

Bowers Marsh January no 6

 Bowers Marsh January 6 25/01/2021 We would like to say thank you to all the people we have met and chatted with, walkers, joggers, cyclists, photographers and bird watchers for observing the rules and keeping a safe distance as we do on our walks. January 25th up early and prepared, cameras, binoculars, coffee and water in rucksack off we go after defrosting the car, arriving at the empty car park about 9-30 we set off with intentions of finding and seeing the Bearded Tits. Turning the corner at the cattle shed we catch site of a few small birds in the early morning sunlight,  a pair of Reed Buntings, pair of Stonechats a Robin, looks like its  going  to be a good day for photography and a walk . female Reed Bunting female Stonechat Robin and male Stonechat male and female Stonechat female Stonechat Heading off along the track stopping by the cattle shed for a few minutes to take a look for any hunting birds ( raptors) but the only birds are Pigeons sitting on the roof. We continue on

Bowers Marsh January 5

  Bowers Marsh January visit 5 Two more visits to Bowers,  this one 23 January a frosty morning we arrive at 8-30 just before sunrise with the intention of doing the circular walk hoping to find the elusive Bearded Tits.  The gate is closed so we set of along the entrance toward the car park it is very quiet and still, part way down the track we notice what appears to be debris from a vehicle which turns out to be a car which has left the track and ended in the ditch under the hedge, judging by the tyre tracks it had left the car park at speed and plunged into the ditch and travelled a short distance coming to rest on its side under the hedge. We continue on past the car park and round by the cattle shed stopping a while watching and listening for any signs of birds, to the east the dark sky is beginning to lighten up as the sun breaks the horizon With the glow of the morning sun ahead of us we take the path toward the bird feeders along the North side of the sodden field from all the